Authors. We’re open.

We offer publication exclusively to the Amazon network, access to a professional editor, to professional-standard cover-art design, and to a growing community of authors. We’re not a vanity press – you won’t pay for our services. As with any publisher, we take a cut of the royalty. You don’t need to be agented to submit.

You are in charge of the marketing and promotion. The process of publication, promotion and marketing requires an understanding of and experience with technology and social media. We ask that you consider if this is for you prior to submitting your work to darkstroke.

We’re looking for excellent writing in the fiction and non-fiction areas of crime, thriller, dystopian, sci-fi, horror, mystery and psychological. If you believe that your story fits at least one of these areas, and you’re interested in submitting to us, read on.

We ask for four documents which would support your submission. These are:

  1. Three chapters from your full story. Commonly these would be your first three chapters, but they don’t have to be.
  2. Your story’s synopsis. Note that this should be a run-through of what happens, rather than what might appear on the back of a paperback. That’s a blurb.
  3. An indication of your use, as an author, of social media. It’s important for us to know that authors are active and engaging with their audience, online.
  4. We recommend that you offer a covering email that summarises your submission and introduces you and your work in brief.

Some key pointers:

  • Submissions should be presented as .doc, .pdf or .pages documents.
  • Manuscripts should have been completed – we won’t consider unfinished works.
  • Stories should be no more than around 120,000 words, no less than 38,000 words.

We’ll confirm receipt within a couple of days, and endeavour to offer initial thoughts within a week, either inviting you to submit the remainder of your story to us, or offering you reasons why we won’t publish.

Submissions, and initial enquiries, should be emailed to: