Jennifer Worrell

Edge of Sundown

If Jennifer were to make a deal with the Devil, she’d ask to live—in good health—just until she’s finished reading all the books. She figures that’s pretty square.

In case other bibliophiles attempt the same scheme, she’s working hard to get all her ideas on paper. She writes multi-genre fiction and the occasional essay, and is currently working on a collection of shorts and two picture books that may or may not be suitable for children.

Edge of Sundown is her first novel. She’s always been drawn to “what-ifs” and flawed characters, and has never quite mastered the happy ending.

Jennifer is a member of Chicago Writers Association and Independent Writers of Chicago, and works at a private university library. To connect with her and find links to her published works, check out her website; Twitter or Facebook pages; and/or sign up for her monthly newsletter.

Photo credit: Rob Gaczol

Edge of Sundown will be available later in 2020